Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Haven't posted...resolution...will post more, etc.

I haven't been posting. I don't know why, believe me, I have plenty to say, I guess it's just that I don't have plenty to type or something. I didn't really make a "resolution" to post more, but now that the holiday craziness is over, I would definitely like to post more.  Writing, even poorly, is probably a good use of my rapidly depleting mental capacities.  Far better than watching my son lick his spilled water off the table, which is what I was just doing.

So yeah, more posting, more bitching, etc.  I can't promise every day, 'cause it would get so boring, so quickly. Seriously, I'd probably have to resort to shopping lists. Although that could be fun, you could totally judge my choices and shit, like "OMG, I can't believe she's not buying free-range nuggets to go with her Annie's frozen fries!"  But I won't do that to you.  Yet.  I mean, I can't promise there won't be lists, because I like lists, but they probably won't be shopping lists.

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