Friday, November 19, 2010

Because I'm an asshole

You know when you're driving along, minding your own business and out of nowhere some asshole in a huge car nearly mows you down?  Yeah, that happened to me the other day.  The being the asshole in the huge car and nearly mowing someone down part.

After dropping Molly off at preschool I was heading home with the other two kids and was clearly just not paying enough attention.  Short explanation is this, I stayed in the right lane, which turns into a turn lane even though I really wanted to go straight.  And once I realized my mistake (by "realized" I mean that the driver to the left of me, who was in the correct lane began honking at me and flipping me off) I didn't fix it, no, I compounded that shit.  Instead of just stopping, waiting for the honking car to pass, then gracefully slipping into the correct lane I decided to just turn right.  Mostly because I can't stand to be anywhere near the driver/vehicle I have just wronged.  It's just so goddamned embarrassing.  Seriously, I know they're still swearing at me and mentally re-hashing my bad driving.  That's what I do...and I know I'm not the only person who does that.

But anyway, so I decide to turn right, completely ignoring the fact that I'm almost a whole car- (and by car, I mean super-swank, sexy-bitch minivan) length past the turn.  Yeah.  So I basically execute this bastardized u-turn onto the side street.

The side street that has an oncoming SUV.  Who has slammed on her brakes.

And is also flipping me off.


At that point I pretty much just ducked underneath the dashboard and slammed the gas pedal home to escape my humiliation.  Okay, not really.  But I may have sped away from the scene a little bit.

And taught my two year old how to say fuck 'cause he can kind of talk now.  Yay, speech therapy!

Anyway, we lived, little man isn't dropping the f-bombs like I was afraid he might, but I still can't bear to drive down Benton street.

Here's a little pictorial re-enactment for your viewing pleasure. You can stop being jealous of my amazing art skills now, too.

I'm the red arrow.  The purple arrows are my innocent victims.  The little asterisk thingies?  When they started hurling obscenities at me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Karma is a fucking bitch

It is.  And not just the Karma that I worked with a long time ago, 'cause she was kind of a bitch, but not like a fucking bitch...just kind of bitchy.  But anyway, I mean the other karma.

Four and a half years ago I had a baby.  A lovely baby girl who decided that she would sleep through the night pretty consistently from about 4 weeks on.  Oh, we had a few nights where this didn't happen, and a period at about 10 months where she had some issues, but on the whole, girlfriend pretty much just slept.

At different points throughout Molly's babyhood I may have said (and by "may have" I mean OMG, I actually said this shit) things like, "I'm not tired, I don't understand what all the fuss is, they sleep through the night pretty quickly."  That's not really a direct quote, but it's a good summary of my thoughts on the subject at the time; a good representative statement.

And then I had Max.  Who didn't sleep through the night until he was about 16 months old.  He usually woke up once, but more often twice during the night.

And now I have Maggie, who has slept through the night a few times.  But apparently, that was just to mock me.  She wakes up a couple times during the night.  But I don't care, because I have given up.  I am old and I am tired and I really like not being a zombie during the day.  So Maggie just comes to bed with me and we both sleep.  Mostly.

Take that, karma.