Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crappy Day

I had a crappy day yesterday. Nobody died, nobody even got terribly maimed (maybe a little maimed...but eventually Max will have feeling in his hands again) and everyone was fine at the end of the day.  It was one of those first-world, my diamond shoes are too tight kind of problem days. I probably should have bucked up, thought of people who had it worse and stuff, but instead, (probably because it's January, and January sucks my ass) I chose to just wallow in self-pity. By that, I mean I cried on the couch a lot.

Seriously.  I did.

The crying really had more to do with the book I was reading.  I finally, after all of these years, got around to reading The Dark Tower, and yesterday I was getting near the end of Book 7.  Book made me cry like a little bitch. Granted, I was already in a relatively self-pitying, miserable mood, but still, that didn't matter, I totally would have cried anyway.

But anyway, bad things happened, but really, they weren't all that bad.  All easily solvable.  I was going to give you a little laundry list of all the terrible things that happened, but honestly, I can't remember most of them today. Don't get me wrong, there were a couple of really sucky things (my laptop starting its death rattle, forgetting Max's gloves, and him almost getting frostbite, the lack of babysitter for Saturday--okay, so I do remember a lot of them, nevermind), but overall the day wasn't that bad.  I think it mostly had to do with the fact that it's cold and it's January, and like I said earlier, January really, really sucks.  Oh well, it's almost over, but I'm looking forward to February.

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