Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hurry up!

Before I ever decided to stay home I made a decision to not be one of the "hurry up" moms.  The moms you see in the mall or at the park that are always herding their children from one place to another with all the tact and kindness of a not-so-popular drill instructor.  I always thought to myself, you stay at home, where can you possibly have to go?  Just let the kids have fun, etc.  I always told myself that if I were lucky enough to stay home, I'd never do that, I'd let my kids smell the flowers, chase the butterflies, lick the mall floor, etc. 

I was a freaking* idiot.  Okay, maybe not an idiot, just not seeing all of the picture.

Fact is there are things to do and places to be in a timely matter.  Even when you're a stay at home parent.  Doctor's appointments, exterminators and carpet installers don't magically wait for you, just because you didn't have to take time off work.  And although it may look like it, we're not hurrying our children up so that we can go home and watch The OC (or to blog), a lot of times we're doing it so that we can go do something far more awesome than what we're already doing.  Remember that the next time you see an impatient mama at the mall.

*I originally had a different f word there because I swear a lot.  Just not around my children.  Usually.  Although, I may or may not have once dropped the f-bomb at a play date.  Ask me sometime how that went might go over.

Completely non-interesting tidbit:  this blog post was interrupted by my having to go wring out soaking diaper inserts in the tub and wipe a booger off the baby's head (not her own).  This is the glamorous life.

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